Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Oppositional defiant disorder is a set or group of behavioural disorders called disruptive behaviour disorders. It is called by this name because children who have these disorders always tend to disrupt those around them. Oppositional defiant disorder is one of the most common mental health disorders found in children and adolescents. Physicians define this disorder as a pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behaviour directed toward authority figures. Individuals affected by this disorder usually behave like rebel, argue withadults, refuse to obey and are obstinate. They exhibit angry outbrusts and have hard time in controlling their anger or aggression. It has also been seen that even children of best behaviour can be uncooperative and hostile at times. Such children argue with parents and defy authority from time to time, specially when they are tired, hungry or under stress and tension. The children affected with ODD show various symptoms. They refuse to comply with requests. They deliberately annoy and upset other individuals. They also try to blame other individuals for their mistakes. They show resentment and have revengeful attitude.
They have difficulty in making friends and have low self-esteem. They have negativity in their behaviours. They display angry and irritable moods as well as vindictive behaviours.
Causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder
In fact, there is no specific or clear-cut cause of oppositional defiant disorder. It is widely believed that a combination of various factors such as biological or genetic, physical, paychological, social risk factors play a significant role in the development of ODD. The various causes/factors of ODD are described subsequently.
1. Biological or Genetic Factors: Children are more susceptible to developing ODD if they have a parent with a history of ADHD or ODD. Also, children may be affected
poor nutrition.
2. Physical Factors: The presence of ODD traits have been linked to the existence of abnormal amounts of some brain chemicals. These brain chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, are responsible for proper functioning of our body activities and it is best for our well-being to have them in a state of balance in our brain. When an imbalance exists and messages are not communicated properly with other parts of brain, the symptoms of ODD may occur.
3. Psychological Factors: Children may develop ODD if they don’t have good relation with parents or have neglectful parents or have inability to develop social relationships.
4. Social Factors: Oppos family and exposure to violence.
divorce, poverty, chaotic environment in the
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