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How to get rid from diabetes from Yoga: Pawanmukhtasana

 How to get rid from diabetes from Yoga: Pawanmukhtasana


Lie down on your back on a plain surface. Keep your feet together and place your arms beside your body. Take a deep breath. When you exhale bring your knees towards your chest. At the same time press your thighs on your abdomen. Clasp your hands around your legs. Hold the asana when you breathe normally. Every time you inhale, ensure that you loosen the grip. Exhale and release the pose after you rock and roll from side to side about 3 times. 


1. It eases the tension in lower back. 

2. It enhances the blood circulation in pelvic area. 

3. It helps in reducing the fats of thighs, buttocks and abdominal area

4. It strengthens the abdominal muscles. It also massages the intestines and organs of the digestive system which helps releasing the gas and thus improves digestion.

5. It relieves constipation. 


1. If you are suffering from heart problems, hyper acidity, high blood pressure, slipped disc and hernia you should avoid this asana. 

2. Pregnant women should avoid doing this asana. 

3. If you have had an abdominal surgery recently you should avoid performing this asana. 

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