7. Malnutrition
Malnutrition is another significant cause of disability, especially in our country. If a child does not get appropriate nutrition, he may be physically weak. Even deficiency of calcium leads to malformation of bones. Deficiency of iodine may diminish the growth of body. Similarly, deficiency of vitamin ‘A’ may cause blindness in children. Deficiency of vitamin B12 may lead to loss of memory and cause paralysis.
8. Poor Approach to Health Care
Many disabilities can be prevented easily if there is proper access or approach to health care facilities. Sometimes, good health care facilities are not available during difficult labour and birth. It may cause a baby to be born with a disability such as cerebral palsy. Professionally trained persons could handle such emergencies. They can prevent babies from being born with such disabilities. Proper immunisation can also help in preventing many disabilities. Usually people who live in remote areas, do not have proper access to health care facilities, and thus, sometimes babies suffer disabilities.
9. Nuclear Accidents
Many persons have suffered after being exposed to radiation because of accidents in nuclear power plants in USA and Ukraine in 1979 and 1986, respectively. It also happend in 1945 in Japan during IInd World War. At such places, there has also been an increase in the number of children born with cognitive disabilities such as Down Syndrome.
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