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Causes of Disability from toxic material pesticides and insecticides, Illness, Lack of education

 10. Toxic Materials 

Toxic materials like lead and mercury, etc. found in various products, use of insecticides and pesticides and other harmful chemicals may cause disabilities in people and birth defects in babies. As a matter of fact such toxic materials may cause damage to brain which ultimately leads to disabilities. 

11. Illnesses

The illnesses like cancer, heart attack, diabetes, etc., cause a number of long-term disabilities. Arthritis, back pain, musculoskeletal disorders, etc., are also significant causes of disability. Some illnesses to pregnant woman may cause physical or learning problems to her baby when born. 

12. Lack of Education

Lack of education may lead to disability. Generally, labourers are not educated. They fall prey to certain diseases which can be avoided by using scientific methods or by taking precautions. But due to ignorance they do not adopt such precautionary methods. Hence, their chances to get a disability are on the rise. 

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