13. Wars
It is usually seen in wars that the most of the civilians are killed or disabled along with the soldiers. Bomb explosions cause people to become deaf, dumb and lose their limbs. Not only the physical health but mental health of the individuals 1s also badly affected by nuclear, biological and atomic weapons.
14. Medicines and Vaccines
No doubt medicines and vaccines are essential to protect health and prevent disability but there are a number of practitioners in the medical field who are not qualified or registered. They don’t take proper care while dealing with patients. The use of unclean syringes may cause serious diseases like hepatitis or HIV/AIDS. Improperly stored as well as wrong vaccines may cause allergic reactions, poisoning and deafness to child.
15. Dangerous Working Environment
If individuals work in factories, mines or in agricultural fields under improper working environment, they may be exposed to dangerous machinery, tools or chemicals and wide variety of health hazards. In such conditions they may get disabilities on the long-run.
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