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How to improve Asthama problem from Yoga: Gomukhasana

 How to improve Asthama problem from Yoga: Gomukhasana


Sit down on the ground with legs stretched forward. Now fold the left leg at the knee and sit on the left foot. Fold the right leg and keep the right thigh on the left thigh with the help of your hands. Now lift your buttocks and. bring the heels of both feet together so that they should touch each other. Now fold your left arm behind your back over the shoulder. Fold the right arm behind the back under the right shoulder. After that bend your fingers of both the hands and clasp each other. At this time your head and back should be erect. Then, repeat the same in reverse position. 


1. It makes the leg muscles strong and elastic. 

2. It helps in keeping the shoulder joints healthy, flexible and strong. 

3. It improves the function of lungs.
4. Regular practice of this asana helps in the treatment of sciatica. 

5. It improves the function of kidneys by stimulating it thus helps the individuals who suffer from diabetes.

6. It also reduces stress and anxiety


1. The individuals who suffer from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid this asana. 

2. Avoid this asana 1n case of any knee injury. 

3. Avoid this asana in case of recent or chronic knee or hip injury or inflammation 

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